Producer community for producers of consumer electronics and information technology equipment
The ICT producer cooperative takes care of producer responsibility on behalf of its members, as well as information, registration and other obligations imposed by legislation. The operations of both the ICT producer cooperative and Elker Oy are non-profit.
The ICT producer cooperative is responsible for, among other things, the following SE equipment:
• Information and telecommunications equipment: USB sticks, mice, keyboards, memory cards, GPS devices, telephones, etc.
• Display terminals and monitors
Apply for membership
The producer cooperative is joined by filling in an application (ie officially called a producer responsibility transfer agreement) and submitting it to Elker’s member support at membersupport (a) elker.fi. The contract is signed by a person with the right to sign. By signing, you agree to the rules of the producer organization.
A company that becomes a member of ICT may register its subsidiaries for registration in the membership register, the information of which the parent company wishes to report on behalf of its subsidiaries with the same recycling fee and annual reports. Subsidiaries are reported in this ICT Affiliate Form. A subsidiary may also become an independent member.
Subscription and annual fees
The contribution fee of the ICT producer cooperative is 100 Euros. The cooperative fee will be refunded in accordance with the Cooperatives Act if the company terminates its membership.
The amount of the connection fee is determined by the sales of the manufacturer’s SE equipment:
• SE equipment sales less than EUR 1 million EUR 500, connection fee
• SE equipment sales less than EUR 10 million EUR 1 500, connection fee,
• SE equipment sales over 10 million EUR 3,000.
In addition, companies producing B2C equipment pay a recycling fee in accordance with the equipment and recycling fee list they report on a quarterly basis.
If the company only produces electrical and electronic equipment (B2B) suitable for professional use, an annual fee of EUR 300 will be charged. Recycling fees for B2B products do not go through the producer community, but the operator prizes the equipment when the equipment is returned for reuse or recycling.
Influence the activities of your producer community
The board of the ICT producer cooperative is made up of producers’ representatives. You can influence the activities and decisions of the producer organization by applying to the cooperative’s board. The association’s annual meeting, open to all ICT member companies, will be held in the spring and an invitation to the meetings will be sent to the reporting liaison officers. The meeting of the association decides, for example, on the cooperative’s statutory financial matters and the election of the members of the board.

Composition of the Board of Directors:
Juha Kemppainen (Chairman), Fujitsu Finland Oy
Jari Nieminen, Toshiba TEC Nordic AB
Päivi Kahelin, Canon Ltd.
Jukka-Pekka Korkiakangas, TD SYNNEX Finland Oy
The ICT producer cooperative does not have its own staff. See the contact information for Elker’s staff here.
Leaving a producer organization or transferring membership to another company
When a company no longer needs to be a member of a producer organization, ie its producer responsibility obligations have expired or are about to expire, contact membersupport (a) elker.fi. Membership may also be transferred to another company, for example in connection with a merger.
ICT Producer Co-operative -TY
Teknobulevardi 3-5
01530 Vantaa
Tel: 010 249 1700
Business ID: 1924190-4
Electronic invoices:
Operator: MAVENTA
Material: Finvoice
Material: Finvoice
e-mail invoices:
Format: pdf
Paper invoices:
ICT Producer Co-operative -TY
19241904 PL 100
80020 Kollektor Scan