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FAQ/B2B producers

What are the costs for us as a B2B producer?

How do we know if our devices are business or consumer products?

How often should we as a B2B producer report to the producer community?

How is the recycling fee paid for corporate products?

We only produce B2B equipment, what options do we have to handle our producer responsibility?

Our company is a B2B producer and has entered into a producer responsibility transfer agreement with the producer community of the Elker Group. Do we then have to do anything ourselves for recycling?

Do we need to negotiate with all Elker business equipment recycling operators to agree on product recycling?

What is the procedure if you want to transfer the responsibility for recycling to the customer when we sell the equipment to the customer company?

What are the costs for us as a B2B producer?

The B2B producers that become members of the SELT Association or ICT Producer Co-operative pay an admittance fee. In addition the members joining the ICT Producer Co-operative pay a contribution which is repaid to the company if it terminates its membership. The B2B producers do not pay recycling fees for equipment put on the market by them but the recycling fees of business products become payable only when the equipment returns to recycling. In addition to the admittance fee an EUR 300 reporting fee is charged from B2B producers once a year.

A consumer product is a product that can be put to household use without modifying the product, irrespective of whether the product is sold to households or businesses. Other products that do not fulfil this criterion are business products. Whether a company sells the products to consumers directly or e.g. via a retailer / another business is not decisive in the matter. In the Elker Group all lighting equipment, lamps, small household appliances and thermostats are classified as consumer products irrespective of whether they are intended for consumer or business use.

All producers, also B2B producers are to submit to Elker Oy a quarterly report. The reports are filled in a web-portal.

A recycling operator charges a recycling fee in connection with returning the business equipment. Before returning the equipment is should be settled whether the recycling fee is to be charged from the equipment producer or from the end-user.

B2B producers can fulfil their producer liability either by joining the membership of a producer organisation or registering directly in the producer register of the Pirkanmaa Regional Environment Centre.

Elker Oy has created excellent B2B logistics and infrastructure for its member producers. A member producer can choose the suitable B2B waste recycling model from two easy alternatives:

  1. The producer concludes an agreement directly with the recycling company. The best possible partners and contact persons can be checked from Elker, and the agreement on the collection/returning of equipment can be concluded directly with the company. The producer notifies the terms of the agreement to the customer. The recycling company bills the producer directly. In this model the party submitting the reports to the authorities must be settled. We recommend that the recycling company reports to Elker.
  2. The member producer notifies Elker about B2B recycling or about a long-term B2B recycling agreement and provides the contact information of the customer. Elker takes care of logistics with the customer and the recycling company. The invoice is sent to Elker, and the recycling company reports to Elker. Elker fills in the report on behalf of the producer and sends a copy of it to the producer.

Elker organizes the collection and recycling of electrical and electronic waste, not the recycling itself. The producer must use a recycling operator for recycling, either on a contractual basis or on a one-off basis. The agreement must specify which party reports the B2B products to Elker. It is important that recycling takes place in accordance with the Waste Act and the WEEE Decree, and that the kilos to be recycled are reported to Elker, which still reports the quantities to the Pirkanmaa ELY Center.

Separate negotiations are not necessary. The most important thing is that the operator recognizes your product and makes sure to whom he can send a recycling invoice. Of course, if necessary, you can also enter into a separate agreement with an operator.

The producer and the holder of the appliance may agree on a different distribution of the costs of waste management, regardless of when the appliance is placed on the market. In order to avoid problems, the matter should be agreed in writing to allow it to be proved and it should be borne in mind that, for example, the reporting obligations remain with the producer.